The Convenient Way To Get Espresso or Cappuccino

  1. The most Important thing at-a-glance:aromatic and hot coffee with fine Crema
  2. solid or creamy milk foam with good temperature
  3. efficient cleaning programs & relatively low maintenance effort
  4. to understand Display
  5. many customization options and user profiles
  6. with a built-in water filter, and for high cups suitable

Fully automatic coffee machines-testing: What to look for the Magazine in particular?

 The winner of the test are easy to operate and brew quickly aromatic Cup of coffee. 

The most important criteria every coffee maker is the taste of the brewed coffee. Since the quality of the coffee largely depends on the beans used places and also the subjective taste of the user, it is difficult to make an objective comparison on the legs. The Tests of the trade press, including the Stiftung Warentest, can partly solve: Often rate professional Baristas in sensory Tests the taste according to clearly defined dimensions. From the buyer opinions, a picture will emerge quickly, if the coffee tastes from the respective machine or not.

It is also important that the temperature of the coffee and the texture of the Crema is the different coffee variants. Here are the manufacturers and devices differ significantly, but also the individual ideas of the perfect coffee apart going. Some people like him ready to drink, or with milk, others prefer it much hotter, or black. Similarly, the strength ordered: Here is for each machine separately to check, whether the own requirements and very strong, very weak, a double or regular coffee prepared. The Tests demonstrate the features of the device and help to choose between the many models of the manufacturer.

In the case of the fully automatic coffee machines-test winners all fits together: The quality of the coffee is high, the operation and cleaning is easy, with fully-automatic machine with milk system the milk foam as desired.

Time-Saving Tip:

If you prepare the milk froth with a separate milk Frother, you can save money. Because the simple machine without milk function can also be very good brew coffee, but are half cheaper than the very comfortable, but expensive High-end models from Jura, Krups, MelittaMiele and De'longhi. In addition, they are easier and faster to clean.

Model selection: Automatic and manual milk foam in comparison

 Only a few models can two cappuccino or Latte macchiati at the same time to produce as the fully automatic coffee machine Saeco SM7685 Xelsis. 

Also, the milk foam is an essential part of almost all machines. Only a few devices offer no milk the system and would if necessary, with an external milk Frothier on.

In the case of machines with a milk system is different the way that the foam produced is: automatically on the push of a button or manually with hot steam nozzle. Many buyers prefer the convenient automatic variant, but hardly any influence on how well the foam. Mostly milk and milk foam and the coffee in one go in the Cup or the glass flow.

 For manual milk frothing small jug made of stainless steel are very good. 

In the manual version, it looks a little different. Here is the opportunity to determine for themselves how strong the milk to be foamed is. For this it is necessary, however, to hold the nozzle in a milk jug and swing with loose swing and pull the jug. Although that makes a bit more work, and requires Exercise that provides very good results.

The taste of the milk foam, the opinions differ greatly. Creamy, very firm, fine, or coarse, everyone likes the foam a little differently. In the case of manual preparation by pivot movements of the technique of the hand movement plays an important role in the preparation at the touch of a button, only the Milk type and temperature. Most likely to great foam is possible with fat, cold milk. The Lather is heated at the same time, so that the combination of coffee and milk is still really hot.

Disadvantage: The cleaning of machines

An often vexed issue, the regular and thorough cleaning of the coffee machine, which is, however, a guarantee for the consistently high beverage quality. Many devices offer efficient maintenance programmes for the self-cleaning of the coffee and milk pipes, and for descaling the machine. It is advantageous if the water tank and the bean container are removable and thus easily can be rinsed. At the heart of the machine, the brew group, makes many of the machines can be easily take out and clean. Also, if you have the cleaning programs to support, so you need to invest a certain amount of time and back often to see how far the program has progressed. There can then be a good 40 minutes together, until the machine is ready. Water filter, pulp container, drip tray, spout, and brew group must be removed and emptied or rinsed.

It is especially important after cleaning, the subsequent drying of all parts in order to avoid mold. The brew group is taken out, there is enough space in order to free the Interior of the machine from possible coffee remains. An exception in this case, the manufacturer of the Jura is, of consciousness to removable brew groups omitted, and more emphasis on its nursing programmed.

Fully automatic coffee machine test winner with a milk cleaning programs

In everyday operation: Quick, quiet and easy to use

Comfort is a priority for many fully automatic coffee machines great. The coffee classics, Espresso, Cappuccino and Latte macchiato are often removed by the direct selection buttons, just a press of a button. The Display informs about the current settings, or when action needs to perform to fill, for example, if the container, emptying or washing. Some manufacturers even use large touch displays to the controller.

Depending on the model of the machine part, without the prior knowledge and thus very intuitive to use. In the other hand, the manual will become a constant companion, as keys demonstrated, for example, twice or inadequately labeled. After a short time, a lot of internalize but also complicated control pattern.

How fast is the different coffee specialties are prepared, and how loud the machine is, it can differ greatly. On average, the preparation of a Cup of coffee requires only about a Minute and a beverage with milk, about one and a half minutes. From the deafening grinding plants, the tear in the mornings, the neighbors from the bedroom to reasonable quiet machine is everything. Fortunately, the Grinder works only for a few seconds.

Extra comfort: fully automatic coffee machine with two grinders or bean chambers

Only a few machines go beyond the Standard of the bean chamber and the grinding plant. Thanks to a double execution of the bean container can at the same time, two different types of beans can be used – for example, a classic Robusta or Arabica variety and the coffee beans for the caffeine-free variant. In order to separate them in the preparation, clean each other, we need two grinders or a grinder, the leermahlt. Otherwise the first Cup is a grade change, a mixture of the two. This equipment variant can be found, for example, in the case of higher-priced Models from Siemens , and many coffee machines from Melitta.

The setting options: Versatile customizable

 Adjustable Coffee My coffee at Nivona. 

Entirely to your own preferences, many are fully automatic machines with extensive possibilities for personalization. The classics, the coffee to customize, the selectable temperature, the strength of coffee and Espresso , and the Cup size. Some machines offer similar settings, even for the milk foam, which can then be adjusted in its consistency and quantity.

For the beans supply, there is in addition to the grinders usually have a rotary switch that determines how fine or coarse the beans are ground. The more the beans are crushed, the greater will be the surface on which the hot water during Brewing – so the more flavours are released. In the case of stronger varieties of beans is enough, therefore, usually a coarse grind so that the coffee flow Through the brew group, not to bitter is.

Some of the machines can be with a Smart Home function via the Smartphone control. The get Up, to get to the finished coffee, not replaced, however. For multi-person households there are practical, user profiles, what are the individual preferences for the different coffee preparations with a save.

Equipment differences: For high cups suitable or water filter

The features of the machines are determined by the personal requirements: In regions with highly calcareous water, it is a machine with a built-in water filter. Alternatively, you can also frequent the automatic descaling programmed to be carried out, depending on your needs. Latte-macchiato-lovers, the maximum Cup height is crucial, which indicates whether the favorite glass to fit under the spout.

The purchase of an expensive fully automatic coffee machines is worth it or are there good cheap equipment?

Expensive machines have many advantages: they are usually better (for example, by an additional compartment for ground coffee), have tanks larger water and bean container, more Profiles and a more comfortable operation via touch display. For the quick Espresso or Latte macchiato at the touch of a button is an advantage. The counter need cheap coffee vending machines are filled up 300 or 400 Euro, due to the smaller water tank frequently. This can interfere with drinkers in larger households with more than two Coffee.

Much more important than the equipment, the regular maintenance and cleaning of the coffee machine, which is independent of the price, however. As a result, the durability of the device is increased enormously. The manual helps einzutakten the necessary maintenance programmer. Often, the device itself provides the impetus for cleaning up after a certain number of espressos or preparations with milk. The fact that the brew group and the water tank will remain in good condition, care has to be yourself, because only then high coffee quality is ensured on a permanent basis.


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